A Girl, an Egg and a Brush

I was all excited to write about my meal planning for this week, this new cactus bristle brush I had purchased and sticking to my workout plan over Thanksgiving. Truly excited until a friend told me about her weekend and I realized how incredibly mundane and boring my life is. lol

A co-worker used to jokingkly call me Sister Mary Francis, you know Whoopi Goldberg's character from Sister Act. I am always the good church girl –  and black – so she thought the name was fitting. That is cool and all but I am no longer a girl. I am a woman in her thirties who needs a little excitement in her life.

Except, I do not know the first thing about excitement. lol I like museums, good books, plays and Nova on PBS.


Anyway, I decided to try this 'omelet in a muffin' pan idea.


12 eggs

1/2 scallions

1/2 tsp of salt

1/2 teaspoon of pepper

You spary the muffin pan with oil spray. Use a 1/3 cup measuring tool to scoop the mixture into the pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until a fork can be inserted into the center and pulled out clean.

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I placed them and baggies and froze them for the week. I think I will cook the egg whole next time instead of whipping them into an omelet.


Click for enlarged view

I bought this brush and started dry-brushing in the morning.  You start from your ankles stroking upward until you have brushed your entire body. It did wake me up this morning.  It is supposed to improve circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. That is about all the stimulation my weeked brought.

I am Sister Mary-Freaking-Francis!



Dealing with the Death of a Friend

“Friend, there will never be a friend
As dear to me as You
There will be another closer than a brother
Friend, always worth the wait
Faithful as the day You say we are friend” Israel Houghton

 I am writing this missing a dear friend of mine. She was actually my very best friend in high school. We were one of the few African Americans in the International Baccalaureate program at my high school. She was a sanctified church girl like me. She was very smart and funny. We got along great.

We made different decisions for college and are paths diverged. We kept in touch for a few years but like most high school buddies we lost contact.

A few years ago, we found each other again thanks to social media. She was finishing her Master’s in publishing and I was finishing my first novel. We sent each other our projects and exchanged insight.

I am speaking of my friend in past tense because she passed away. Actually, she committed suicide a few years back.

I thought I had dealt with this until recently. A family member was distraught because she was afraid her friend had committed suicide. Her friend posted a cryptic message on a social media website. I was able to talk to her, calmly instruct her to call the police and give them as much detail as possible. The next day when I called to check on the situation, I was informed the police got to her in time and she was taken for treatment.

It would have been easy to ignore the little girl’s cry for help as an attention-seeking move but something in me could not let it rest. I am glad I was there for my family member and I was glad that my family member was there for her friend. I am glad that the police responded with urgency and care. I am glad she does not have to feel what I felt.

Death is hard. It is unfathomable that someone can be present, full of promise and dreams and with one desperate action be gone forever.

My friend did not cry for help. She left a note, according to her sister who contacted me months after it happened. I remember our last conversation. I asked to pray with her and we prayed. She was so distant. She did not even sound like her true self.

I write all of this to say that the pain, discouragement, and mental health issues that people deal with are real and not trivial. If you are placed in the path of someone suffering, please do not discount their pain. Reach out. Make the effort. Do not let Satan win. Fight for the life God has given them. Fight for the friend God has given you.

If you know of someone in crisis, here are some numbers to give them:


Need help? Text “CTL” to 741741.

Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255

Fitness 2013 – Rhythm-less Nation

You must forgive me for my behavior and this post. I am usually very uplifting and positive. I like to see the cloud's silvery lining. Yesterday? Not so much.

My trainer is out of town. Not wishing to fall behind on my workouts, I decided I would check out the classes at my gym. Yesterday, I realized there was a Body Pump (weight-lifting) class followed by Zumba (cardio-dance) scheduled. My training is usually pretty intense so I decide to take both classes. Body Pump went as I expected. Life weights to music and we are good to go. I was super pumped for Zumba because this is where you get to GET DOWN!


The fact that Zumba (which is a pretty popular class) had all of ten people present should have been a warning. This Zumba class was taught by the most rhythmically challenged African-American woman that I have ever seen in my life. This includes me! lol


The music started and I noticed that the moves were pretty basic. No worries, I told myself, we are just getting started. How can you teach Latin dance with a complete inability to move your hips and snake your back? It was like Geppetto was controlling her limbs with invisible strings.

Bless her heart she tried. I mean, she was energetic and engaging. I even gave her a high-five in the middle of a routine. I was thinking, I can get through this. I can get through this UNTIL she busted out the Macarena!

I left after about 40 minutes.

The funny thing is – I have always wanted to be a dance aerobics instructor but I know I am #team rhythm-less nation. I wondered what my class experience would look like. Last night, I peeked into my future and it was not pretty. I still would like to teach the course but TRUST I am going to take dance lessons first!

Fitness 2013 – Control

When I was 17, I did what people told me. Did what my father said and let me mother mold me. But that was long ago. I'm in CONTROL! Janet Jackson

My weight has fluctuated since I was a young girl. My mother explained to us that she though we were unhealthy because we were so thin. She decided to give us multi vitamins and feed us to fatten us up and boy did she lol. You are taught your first lessons about diet, cooking, and shopping from home. You see obesity and its related illnesses as a family trait.

I know you have heard it. I'm a big girl all the women in my family are big girl. Big arms/butts run in the family.  I remember as a little girl going to visit my great-grand mother. She was in a wheelchair because one of her feet had been amputated.  Why?  I asked my mother. My mother told me that it was because of 'sugar'. Why did she have this 'sugar'?  "Keep living, child. Keep living." My mother would say.

I was so terrified.  Is this what happened to everyone who got old? It seemed to be happening to a lot of women in my family. I looked at my little feet and prayed to God that He would let me keep them. As I grew up, I started to look like all of the other women in my family – overweight. Was 'sugar' (diabetes) and a missing foot in my future?

The devil is a liar.

The truth is my family did not follow a healthy diet. We generally ate soul food regularly. This packs on the pounds, the sodium and all of its related ailments.  Feeling tired, sick and old – I knew something had to change. I had to take control. I am an adult. Mommy does not cook my meals for me. I had to become educated about eating a healthy, natural diet. I had to learn how to shop the perimeter of the store and avoid processed foods. I had to learn to structure my meals to feel full while eating less bad stuff.

I am officially down 35 lbs from my highest weight. I still have a long way to go but I am trending downward lol. I was always okay with exercising but my diet was still out of control. I follow a few weight loss blogs and Facebook pages. I love seeing the before and after pictures. Real women who have lost weight successfully through hard work and CONTROLLING their diets. This is the next phase of my challenge. Eating right all of the time. No cheat days.

The truth is I am in control. I determine if I will exercise, eat right, be motivated – OR NOT. I need a little help sometimes. I kid you not, during my training session I stopped and prayed to God for strength to finish that stairmaster! Chile that thing is a monster – BUT I did finish.


Fitness 2013 – The Brilliance of Not Giving Up

I had just written the perfect post about not giving up and facing obstacles when my computer froze! The entire brilliant piece was deleted. Here I am starting again.

 Talk about practicing what you preach!

 Long story short. I had a rough time during my workout and contemplated quitting. I was tired of overcoming one challenge only to fall short on another.

 Then I had an epiphany. If I am tired of starting over, I should stop quitting when things become difficult; or when facing a significant setback, like losing my post a few minutes ago.

 Weight loss and fitness Is about consistency. A preacher once stated that success comes by doing what you are required to do regardless of how you feel. I felt like giving up. Many excuses ran through my head but I have given up before. I know the outcome of that. I want to feel the outcome of not giving up. I want to see the other end of being consistent, disciplined and working hard for a fitness goal.

 I am out of time so this post, while not as long as my original, is still kind of brilliant in its brevity.

 Do what you need to do to get what you need to get regardless of how you feel.



Fitness 2013 – The Plateau or the Cliff

I am not as obsessive with my scale nowadays. I get on it one every other day and not everyday :-).Seriously folks. For a few weeks, I had been gaining and losing the same 3 lbs. It was starting to get on my freaking nerves.I felt myself getting close the that cliff. That edge that tempts you to chalk it up to genes and eat the darn Doritos. We have all been there, right? Right? Ok, maybe just me.

Then I remembered my post – It's All Mathematics.

That extra slice of cheese, that helping of ice cream was all adding up. . .on my thighs. Back to the drawing board. I reviewed my diet and designed a workable plan. Back to my oatmeal in the morning. Plain yogurt and fruit for snack. Reasonable lunch 800 calories or less and a sensible dinner.


I reviewed my workouts via my phone app and I had slacked to about 3 times per week. My goal is to be at 5 times per week. Seriously, I have been working out extra hard with a trainer. Why put myself through that torture – and believe me it is torture – to undo it with mindless snacking, being lazy or eating out? 

In the words of Sweet Brown, 'Ain't nobody got time for that!'

I get on the scale today. For the last few days, those 3 lbs have stayed gone.

Shoot, I'm tryna be fine by my birthday.


Sheryl Underwood Disses Natural Hair On National TV

I have focused mainly of nutrition, health and weight loss in the past few weeks here on Talulazoeapple.com. Then I happened upon this video of Sheryl Underwood, co-host on The Talk, making some very disparaging remarks about natural, afro hair.

Being someone with natural hair, I was near tears watching her spew such hurtful, self-hating comments while the audience laughed. Melissa Gilbert tries to save her but Sheryl is unrelenting in her comments.

Please watch the video. It is less that 1 minute long.




Is this okay?

It is so ironic that I get so many nice compliments about my hair now but now EVERYONE is natural. When I began about six years ago, it was less common to see a young black woman with her natural hair. I got so many UGLY comments from my family – the people who love me the most. I got the most kind comments from people of other nationalities or complete strangers.I have grown to adore my hair. I can think back as a child getting my hair braided and feeling so bad because of h0w 'difficult' my hair was to those attempting to do it. They were very vocal about it. Then there was the task of straightening my hair. I could not help cringing everytime that hot straightening comb came near to my scalp and ears.  Little by little those words – nappy, bad, coarse – seeped  into my little soul and I wished that my hair was like Marcia Brady's. She would brush her long locks exactly 100 times. Anyone remember that episode of the Brady Bunch? lol

BUT I was a child. As I grew up and learned about myself as a woman, I saw that my hair was just as beautiful as Marcia's. I learned to love my coils, curls, afro. When I see someone as mature as Sheryl Underwood hating their hair in such a way as this video suggests, I want to cry just like that little girl terrified of that fire-hot straightening comb.

I understand that the root of self-hate is deeper than an 1-minute video by a comedian. Sheryl Underwood is more than just a comedian. She is an African American woman with a very public, national forum holding up authentic, natural blackness for public ridicule.

Does anyone remember Don Imus?

I would hope that Sheryl Underwood would reflect on why she thought it was okay to ridicule black children in this manner. Upon that reflection, I would hope that she will make a public, national apology.

What do you think? Am I being to sensitive?


The Abs Challenge Has Help Me Find Me Again

I am one week into the Abs Challenge. I feel (and look) so much better I want to keep restarting it. My friend has joined me and her friends have joined her and this thing is taking off.

Back in the day, I would always wear dresses. I felt they complimented my figure. I also felt like wearing dresses was chic and lady-like. (I still do.) Dresses always made me feel beautiful. As my dress size grew, I looked less like an hour-glass and more like a tent. I started to feel less and less beautiful. Then the less beautiful I felt, the less beautiful I dressed. *insert sad face*

I am just keeping it real.

I saw this Oprah episode where this woman was facing a lot of health issues and had gained a lot of weight. She had legitimate reasons as to why her weight was difficult to manage but Oprah did not give her a pass. She looked her square in the eye and said YOU have to take control of your health. She said the words to the guest but they rang in my ears.

I had to take CONTROL. *Cue Janet Jackson*

I am wearing a cute baby doll dress today. Someone says, "Oh don't you look precious.' Not exactly what I was going for but hey, I will take that as a compliment.Someone else saw a photo of me and said that I reminded them of Vivica Fox. I have never been told that before but I will take that, too.

This Abs Challenge is really making a difference. It is helping get back to me – the fine, confident me. My core feels stronger. I feel stronger. My legs look more defined. I am glad have friends on the journey, too. Nothing like support to give you that extra bit of motivation.

I walked past the full-length bathroom mirror and did a double-take. I am not where I want to be . . .yet but I am making progress. I looked at myself and transition and thought, I just have to accept the fact that I am cute. There I said it! *insert smiley face*



Fitness 2013 – Keep That Body Moving

Woo chile! What a week! I have been working some mandatory overtime and getting up early to do it. It is taking some getting used to. I thought – erroneously – that I would just sleep a little longer, you know, nap a little more. I skipped a workout here . . .there. The result, I was tired all of the time.

What the what?

As I lsat on the couch seriously pondering where my get-up-and-go went, I remembered by high school science class. Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Motions states that an object either is at rest or moves at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force. {Source}

Or in laymen term, a body in motion stays in motion. A body in rest stays at? You guessed it – REST! The more I slept in and did not work out, the more I just wanted to layabout. I finally just bit the bullet and started back  in motion. This body started moving and just kept moving.

Moving feels good. Whether working out, cleaning up, or dancing, your body will feel great.

So no matter what hurdles life tosses at you, I would encourage you to keep moving. You can only reach the goal ahead if you are in motion towards it.

Fitness Recaps and Noon Naps

I have been experiencing some major fatigue lately. Not quite sure what it is but between early starts and late finishes at work and working out a sister has been 'bout ready to fall out. As a result, my blogging has fallen by the wayside. Forgive me. OAN: I have discovered how blissful lunchtime naps in my car can be. 

My exercise has lapsed a bit. Although I have successfully completed the Abs Challenge, I have also skipped a few trail walks. I am learning that when my I skip exercise, I feel crappy. The more I feel crappy the less I want to exercise. Insert enigma into conundrum.

I called a good friend to check on her and she ended up encouraging me. By the end of the conversation, I was arriving at the park to begin my 3 mile trek. I felt so energized and rejuvenated. Consistency is key. It is so good to have a support network who can help you on those lazy days. Plus, I do not want to be the fat friend anymore lol. If everyone is working  out except me then hello rolly polly.

I almost hit a dude walking across the expressway. I guess people do this. This is the second time this has happened over my driving career. Good thing God is always looking out for me, keeping me from dangers seen and unseen.

I am trying to go gluten-free. I say trying because it seems that everything has gluten in it. I will say that  my stomach feels better – no pain and no bloating. Sounds like a win to me.My next purchase is to be a Magic Bullet Blender. I am trying to catch  it on sale. I would search Craigslist but I am wary about buying blenders from strangers. What if they have been blending kittens or something? lol. I know that is extreme and gross but it gets the point across.

Debating on if I should take a guitar class. I wanted to take piano but the classes at the community college is full. Guitar class was open. I could totally see it. Sitting on stage wit my afro strumming a guitar.  I guess I would need to but a guitar. I wonder how many calories could I burn playing the guitar for an hour? I guess I should go buy a hat, too. How else can I collect my change?

I need a nap.