The Black Women’s Beauty – Strength

Bwp_tamaradobson_6What is beauty for the African American woman?  Is it the images fed to us by magazines, movies, videos. Does it lie in the jar of a hair relaxer or sealed in the package of Yaki #3B? Fantasia2

Can you remember the first time you heard about/saw "The Doll Test"? How did it make you feel?

I by no means decry the media as the sole source of such self-hatred. I sincerely believe that African American women must define beauty for ourselves, acknowledging the variety of shapes, sizes, and shades it Gabby comes in.

Tell me what beauty means to you? Is it merely skin deep?

Lboogie   Nia_long Lena_plain SanaaJhudsummer  Maryj Lola20falanahead

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