A Mommy for the Summer

I was talking to a friend and sharing the excitement of my niece was vising me. He answered, 'Aw, you get to be a mommy for the summer.'

Four a long-time, M-O-M was a four-letter word for me. In the words of Sweet Brown, 'Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!' Having grown up in a large family, I had to share everything – from rooms to clothes. As I grew into adulthood, I grew into a delayed selfish stage. I know most of us go through it around age two but I did not have that luxury. At that age my brother was here and I was no longer the baby.

*insert violin music*

Truth moment: I have always wanted a really big family, like the one I grew up in in. What I did not want was poverty, single-motherhood, child support issues and all the negativity surrounding motherhood that I saw as a child. It seemed this single-motherhood tale was the norm.

Then I moved to Texas. I have witnessed good, strong happy marriages with happy children – friends my own age. I now know that it is more than possible -it is the norm. The key was getting out of the 'hood and becoming exposed to other experiences. I also had to have faith – believing that I was capable of being a good mother, having a family and being fulfilled.

I am glad I am in Texas and my niece has somewhere to visit. We were walking along the trail yesterday and I mentioned how nice it was to be able to walk outside and see the sky. She replied, "yeah, I like that too," and commenced to texting.

Ah, teenagers! I have already been reminded that she is not five years old. Okay sista-gurl, I get it. lol

Cooking, cleaning, planning for someone else – I guess that is mommy territory. I kinda like it . . .just don't tell anybody. Might ruin my reputation. lol


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