Stream of Consciousness – 3:43 AM

I am not on a schedule for anything – no, maybe work. Do over. I am not on a schedule for anything personal. I sleep in odd spurts throughout the night. My diet is off. My tummy hurts as I type. Acid reflux. If there were ever an appropriately ugly name for an equally ugly disorder.


I always write about me. Does this make selfish? I am single so I do spend the most time with me. I love me but enough already.


I miss my former life. I always do with each reincarnation. Why can’t I appreciate the here and now? Had I appreciated the here and now then, I would be there and now.


Heard something profound on Basketball Wives. Don’t judge me.  Imani says she wants to love again and no longer live with the fact that she gave all of her love to the wrong man.  I hear ya sista. I mean, I just had a need to love and be loved. The guy wasn’t worth it. If my mother only would have let us have a dog. . .


I always seem to be starting over. Am I any closer to Nirvana?


I am a Christian just waxing poetic.



So guys how did I did in my first attempt at stream of consciousness blogging?


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