All I Want For Christmas Is . . .

. . .LOVE!

I know, cheesy right? It's true.

I think times are hard and folk should not be pressured into buying gifts that they cannot afford. I remember a few years back when we got into gift exchanges and u had to spend the exact same amount as your exchange person. Some people have lots of kids and expect a present for themselves and all of their children. No there is a per household limit.

Really. I just want true love for Christmas. If you really care for me, then do something kind for someone else, send me a nice card or email message. I am such a sentimental fool. I still have birthday cards from ten years ago.

I am just putting this out their for Santa – send me real, abundant, cup running over love this Christmas.

What do you want for Christmas?

2 thoughts on “All I Want For Christmas Is . . .

  1. Love is nice and all but I want a Flat Screen 42 inch TV for my TV room and a vacation in the sun for my little family. Mexico or Costa Rico is calling me. You are welcome to come along if you would like. Tell Love to pay your way….LOL

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