What I Expect From God Is. . .

. . .the fulfilment of His promises to me. This is my public declaration that I believe that God is my provider, I expect Him to provide.

This is not an ultimatum but a statement of faith and thanksgiving.

Marvin Sapp has a song entitled, "Praise Him in Advance." In it he states, that he has had is share of ups and downs but he has learned to praise God in advance. So while things are still tumultuous and uneasy, I am praising God in advance.

I need a good job, residual income, health, energy, faith, grace, my family blessed, my friends blessed. I expect these things in the here and now. So I am thanking and praising him in the here and now.

I just wanted you guys to know.

What do you expect from God.

4 thoughts on “What I Expect From God Is. . .

  1. Wow. I had a moment Wednesday night. I got weary because I have received so many promises from God, but have yet to see them. I quickly repented though. And of course, the Lord dealt with me as he usually does.
    I’m expecting:
    My husband
    Financial breakthrough (no more debt!)
    A house
    Restored relationships
    A transformed mind
    A better relationship with Him.
    Awesome post. Love the new look also.

  2. Because you have openly professed your hope in God’s promises, you will receive everything God has in store for you. I believe that.
    Thanks for the feedback on the new look. I realized I had had the old template for since I began this blog like 3 years ago. Time for something new.
    Thanks for visiting and all the great comments.

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