Sometimes You Just Gotta Trust God

Today is a beautiful day. I asked God for a specific, immediate miracle . . .and He performed it.

Now I don't mean some hocus pocus, rabbit out of a hat miracle BUT he showed me how trusting him leads to success. Let me explain.

There is a story in the bibleabout how Joshua was leading the children of Israel through Canaan. God wanted to show the people that He was with Joshua as he had been with Moses, so he demonstrated a miracle. As the prophets carrying the Ark of the Covenant approached the Jordan and their feet touched the edge, the water receded. The people then passed on dry ground.

I take this as a lesson that miracles do happen but sometimes you have to walk by faith in order to see the waters part. Had the prophets sat around waiting for a miracle nothing would have been accomplished. The act of walking demonstrated a faith in God to do what was impossible for them to do in their human strength and God moved on their behalf.

I know I can waiver sometimes but God has a way of showing me that he is still moving on my behalf. I just have to walk it out!

This is turning out to be a Happy New Year indeed!

2 thoughts on “Sometimes You Just Gotta Trust God

  1. It’s true..something happend to me and I was like whoa…. I jotted down in my prayer journal ” I hope *company name here* calls me back for an interview” Well..they did.And I as shocked. Like the very same day I put the application in.
    The only thing is that I’m going to be applying for many positions over the next month or so…so I just pray that God orders my steps and lead me to the job that will be right for me.
    I don’t know what it is..but I’ve been super stoked about the New Year.

  2. God just answered another prayer with a call to a friend. I tell you 2010 is gonna be SPECIAL!! I love the idea of a prayer book. I just read about something similar on a news blog. God is up to something!

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