I Have Been Cooking Lately and . . .

. . . I am still alive!!

This is progress people. I made eggplant parmesan. It turned out okay. I mean its edible. Next time I will maybe make everything from scratch. I used breadcrumbs in a box and tomato sauce from a jar.

Life is good. I am still on the job hunt but I have some potentials on the line. School is coming along. I am just chugging along, like the little engine that could. I hope to keep my audience through this ride. I promise to update more 🙂

I think I can. . . I think I can. . .

4 thoughts on “I Have Been Cooking Lately and . . .

  1. Take your time sweetheart, take your time.
    Hey, why don’t you try a peach or apple cobbler?

  2. Good Luck on the Job hunt. I wish everyone start spending money again so business will pick up. And everyone will start hiring. The companies that do have a full staff are mistreating them because they know we dont’ have any where else to go… but when the economy picks up they’ll see if they’ve been mistreating folks during the recession crunch.
    I don’t too much like eggplant… I think it’s my mom’s fault my daddy grew them and she cooked them often but I didn’t like her method.

  3. Thanks, the job search is going good.
    I cut the eggplant thick so that when you fry them they don’t get soggy. You also have to cover them in salt and let them sit for an hour so that the bitter juices drain from them.

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