Sunday Inspiration: Why I Pray and Why I Blog.

One of my mom's closest friends is dying. She is lying in a hospital bed, blind, on dialysis and semi-conscious. I listened as my mother told me how she went to visit her and as she spoke her friend squeezed her hand only to drift back to sleep.

What does a Christian do in this instance? Are we supposed to pray for a miraculous healing? Or that God alleviates the pain and give her peace?

This particular friend was always a little hard to swallow. She has been abrasive and opinionated in the past. It is hard to watch such a strong woman over the years dissolve into near helplessness.

The last time I visited Chicago, she called my mom and asked her to put me on the phone. She then asked me would I pray for her. I did. She did not sound like her old rambunctious self.

So, I got up this morning called my mother and we prayed. We used to do this a lot but I got busy, she got busy and our morning prayers tapered off. It's funny how prayer is like exercise. You just wanna stay in your warm bed but after you do it you feel a million times better.

Not that I don't pray alone but you feel exponentially more powerful when you pray with two or more. I guess that's why I pray, to feel better, stronger.

Ironically, those are the same reasons why I blog. I have always had a lot to say, a funny take on a situation. When I was in Chicago, I was the one keeping the laughs going. Being here, almost on my own. I find I have something great to say and no one to say it to. It's not the same over the phone. Something gets lost in translation.

So I blog. This is my space. I welcome all of you to it but don't get it twisted this space is mine. It's a forum to express yourself and partake in my strange sense of wit, spirituality, and opinion. If I feel that you are harassing me on any level, I will not hesitate to block you, for realz!

That said, Namaste! LOL

P.S. Say a prayer for my mom's friend. I do believe that "the prayers of the righteous availeth much." James 5: 16


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