On God and Science – An Interesting Twist

I was over at some anonymous agnostic's blog and he/she basically outlined a seemingly (to her/him) logical argument on why God does not exist. It went something like this: If God is everywhere, then God is in Heaven and Hell, if God does not exist in Hell, then there is no God. To parallel this argument he said something like this: nothing exists in a vacuum, if nothing is in a vacuum, then nothing exists. Forgive me if this is making no sense to you. It made no sense to me either. This argument just went round and round in circles.

The only problem is the bible states that God is everywhere. Well, maybe the author does not believe the bible. I am sure he/she would believe science right?

An object the size of a speck of dust would provide the perfect test. At this scale, an object is small enough to be strongly affected by the rules of quantum mechanics but large enough to observe directly. Current theory predicts that such an object could exist in more than one location and could remain in that split state almost indefinitely. If there were a way to observe the speck without disturbing it, we would see quantum strangeness laid bare: a macroscopic thing sitting in two places at the same time, confounding reality as we know it. SOURCE

It's called Superposition. If you have time read the article in its entirety. It is quite interesting. I am no physicist but I enjoy pop science like others. 


So if electrons, particles and waves can exist in two places at the same time, is the idea of God omnipresence such a far-fetched idea?

Another interesting tidbit of info, Einstein suggested that our interpretation of reality is based on observation (or the observer's interference) and there could exist an alternate reality independent of observation. Things that make you go hmm?

8 thoughts on “On God and Science – An Interesting Twist

  1. Okay…huh? I just like my argument of the Bible says it then it’s true. Much simpler than trying to get all scientific with atheists.

  2. This sounds like Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle: if you can measure a subatomic particle, then it’s immpossible to measure it’s speed, and vise-versa. The article only tells me that there is a parallel universe that exists next to ours.

  3. This also explains life after death… a parallel universe, right? Just look at Luke 16:19, Lazarus and the rich man. After they both passed away, they were still holding a conversation with one another. In order to do that, they both had to still be alive.

  4. I think there is still much that is unexplained about the universe, even astronomers will grant you that much. I just find it interesting when science corraborates biblical principle.

  5. I have read the entire bible and I don’t see where it states that the earth is the center if the universe. But that is not the point of the post. The point is that science is discovering new things/properties of the universe everyday so how can we state with certainty that some things are not possible.

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