And I Would Like To Thank All of The Little People

I have just been awarded the:


By Full Complexity! Thanks.

So, I must nominate a few people.

Sincerae over at A Very Fine Romance - Blog about romantic history of the world written by an American teacher in Turkey.

Brian Barrons over at The Great Wall  - written by a teacher in China

LH over at The Breaking Point - He is always up for some cerebral sparring. Plus he won't get mad at you for telling him he is dead wrong. lol

Full Complexity of course.

Stan of course.

The Black Snob – Great political blog and a fellow TJ Holmes stan (stalker + fan).

And Jazzy!


Now I must include ten honest things about myself.

1. I skipped the fourth grade.

2. I love my natural hair but there are days when I am so tempted to relax it. I am like Pookie and that relaxer is like creamy crack, "It just keeps calling me!!!"

3. I used to say I did not want kids ( and I meant it) but I see so many people with happy families that I think I may be changing my mind and it's scary.

4. I want to find a church home that feels right. I have not found one yet.

5. I love to paint but never seem to have the time anymore.

6. I love to write and have yet to finish my first novel.

7. I endeavor to do both real soon.

8. I love blogging. I may be a little addicted to it.

9. I only started driving about two years ago.

10. I love unique jewelry and clothes but have yet to learn to coordinate these into a fashionable outfit.

5 thoughts on “And I Would Like To Thank All of The Little People

  1. Thanks, TZA. If nothing else I have to be honest, yanno. As for being told I’m wrong, if that’s the worst thing a person can say about me, I’m doing all right. 🙂
    I enjoy your blog and the conversation here.

  2. Congrats, Taula! You have a great blog here and I enjoy visiting. I feel you on finding a church home. I personally don’t see a reason of going to church for the sake of going unless I truly enjoy the pastor his message and the members. Call me picky but its my salvation and I don’t see a reason to waste it on a church I just feel lukewarm about. Keep up the good work.

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