Modern Day VS Old School – The Men


There are always icons of cool for each decade that dominate popular culture. Whether in music, film, or stage these figures command respect for their standout talents as well as their ability to shape popular culture.

Philip Michael Thomas is best known for his iconic portrayal of detective Ricardo Tubbs, opposite Don Johnson's Sonny Crockettt. Crockett and Tubbs were the 80's dynamic duo. Instead of caped crusaders, each donned white jackets with rolled-up sleeves and skinny ties. Hey don't laugh. it was the 80's.


PMT, as he is known, is also an established musician having produced many albums over the years. He currently resides in Florida. His latest work includes being producer and co-creator of a Broadway musical Sacha that is slated to go national soon.

TH Terrence Howard is best known for his Oscar nominated portrayal of a down-on-his-luck pimp, Djay in Hustle and Flow. I loved him as Quentin in the Best Man. Howard makes being bad so good to watch.

Howard is also a self-taught musician, playing piano and guitar. A bit of trivia; Howard has a degree in chemical engineering.


Both these men are of mixed-ethnic ancestry. PMT is Native-American, African, American, and Irish descent. Terrence Howard's parents both are biracial.

6 thoughts on “Modern Day VS Old School – The Men

  1. Look at you ganking my Vizu hotness. LOL! It’s all good though. I wish I could have voted for both but T-Howard edged it out for his portayal in one of my all-time faves, “The Best Man”

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