And So I Rant. . .


I particularly hate them when one member drops the class and one of the other two is ALWAYS too busy to meet. I hate having this group and coming in last. I hate that I am stuck with this group for the remainder of class.

Seriously guys, I am trying to find the silver in the cloud, but I need some help. Other than doing all the work, How can you motivate a group of slackers.


2 thoughts on “And So I Rant. . .

  1. Talula,
    I know the feeling! A few years ago when I was going to a Bible college just for spiritual development, I had to do a project with two other young women. The college was in Atlanta, so I had to commute 3 times a week. I lived in Athens which is 65 miles away. They lived in Atlanta.
    I ended up doing most of the work because one them were often late,couldn’t reach the late one on the phone when something came up, and neither of them did hardly any of the research required. I ended up doing nearly everything since I have a research background and I had finished graduate school years before at a secular university. Becauseof MY work and the presentation I did, we all go A’s.
    If only the professor had known that 90% of the work put into the project had been my work and my sitting up late for two weeks before the project was due.
    The perils of group work:)

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